Site icon The Herb Walk with Jessica Baker

Happy Birthday to Me — The Power of 40

February has always been my favorite month, mainly because it’s my birthday month. On February 4th, I will turn 40. Four has always been my power number so I’m excited to have the energy of four all year. It is also a little overwhelming. Forty has been an unconscious milestone in my life since I was a little girl, when I thought, “Where will I be at 40?”  

I am happy to say much of vision has come true. In my young mind, I was an entrepreneur, maybe a writer and I would live a life of adventure and travel — all of which was true! I didn’t know herbalism and healing would play such a pivotal role in creating who I was to become. I love the path I have chosen for myself. I honor myself for having the courage to continue the journey. I welcome you all to celebrate who you really are and strive to live your authentic self.

Today we celebrate Imbolc/Candlemas and honor the goddess Brigit, the Celtic goddess of healing, poetry and smithcraft (alchemy). She is associated with the elements of fire and water and represents the return of the warmth of the coming spring at the end of a long, cold winter. Honor Brigit with a candle that you burn with intention while you write a poem that honors your own spiritual journey.

In parts of Africa and around the world, the Yoruba Orisha (Yemaya) is the mother goddess of the ocean and all of life. Honored in various ways in diverse cultures, she is associated with all water, the Moon and protects those out at sea. Honor Goddess Ocean and do your part to ensure plenty of clean water for the future. As Richard Branson recently tweeted, “2016 has to be about building resources & regenerating the #ocean — nothing less will do.”

As you patiently wait for warmer weather and longer days, stay as present as you can to relish the last month or so of the restorative nature of winter. I’ll leave you with a tea that honors the duality of dark and light, yin and yang, and water and fire. As always, use organic ingredients when possible.  And always know where and how your herbs are sourced. It is up to us herbalists to educate about true sustainability of modern herbalism.

Sol & Sea Tea

2-3 tbsp dried calendula flowers (represents the sun, Brigid)
2-3 tbsp dried horsetail (represents water, Yemaya)
1/4-1/2 tsp cinnamon peel (brings warmth back to the ming men fire)
Very small amount of honey (to taste, nourishes yin)

I can’t end without honoring, Sid Vicious. Today is the anniversary of his death (RIP Sid). We have all lost loved ones to addiction and violence. Enjoy every moment of your life. You are here. Now. It’s an honor to be alive.

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