Site icon The Herb Walk with Jessica Baker

Infinite Love Tea

With all the craziness that is going on, all I can think about is how we need more Love in the World.  We need to truly Love ourself first so we can send that Love out to others.  Here’s a tea blend that is sure to fill you up with the Love of the plants!

Infinite Love Tea

1 small handful of fresh or dried rose petals

1 handful fresh or dried milky oat tops or oatstraw

1 handful fresh or dried hawthorn leaves and flowers

1 handful fresh or dried tulsi basil

1/2 handful fresh or dried violet leaves

1/2 handful fresh or dried calendula flowers

As you blend the herbs together, honor each plant for its offering of medicine and ask it to open your heart to the infinite wisdom you are about to receive.  Steep the herbs in 4-6 cups of boiled (not boiling) water for 15-20 minutes.  Strain herbs and set aside for a second use.  The bitter quality of some of the herbs will help clear toxins and negativity from your body.  If the taste is unpleasant add 1 tsp honey and thank the bees for their role in our nourishment.  Drink anytime you need of day or night.  It is a great ally on days when you need extra support or love.

When energy flows, wellness grows

With love,


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