Share a Cup of Kindness this Year (And Learn to Make One)

With the last few days of the holy days season approaching I look forward to what 2016 will bring to the world. Believe it or not, 2015 was a yin year (Yin Green Wood Sheep) when the energy is more subdued than a typical yang year. This year is a Yang Red Fire Monkey year (beginning February 8th) so let’s use the last month of our yin to build our reserves and nurture our spirit for the active year ahead.

The yin energy of 2015 brought me the opportunity to step back from my private practice to have the time to attend several herbal conferences and learn from people and plants that inspire me.  I accomplished my goals of  completing several videos as well as my book proposal.

One of my favorite people this year is Tim Ferriss. I love his term “new rich,” which means those that value time and experiences more than money and material objects. He has some great tips on how to work efficiently to have more free time to enjoy life.

In 2016 my goals are to finish my book, “Plant Songs,” teach more CEU’s, and spend as much time as I can with my husband Chip. In 2016 I will also be way nicer to myself and let go of the negative speak I tell myself when I’m not living up to the standard I have set for myself. The fire element is associated with the heart, so a fire year is a great time to love yourself and share that love with others.

You are capable of achieving whatever you put your energy towards. What dreams will come true for you in 2016? I’d love to hear what you are excited to bring to the world! If one of your goals is to open or build your business, here is one of my videos that may be of help to you or someone you know.  

I’ll leave you with a delicious tea to share with loved ones on New Year’s Eve or to keep you warm on any cold winter night. The tea is inspired by the lyrics of Auld Lang Syne and honors both the friends of the past and the future.

Share a Cup of Kindness Tea

3-4 tbsp chen pii (dried tangerine peel)1 cinnamon stick
3-4 tbsp hawthorn leaves, flowers, and berries
3 tbsp rose petals
1 tbsp rosemary
2-3 tbsp hibiscus flowers
1-ounce lowland Scottish whiskey (option to honor Scottish lyrics)


  1. Decoct/Simmer chen pi and cinnamon stick in two cups of water for 15 minutes.
  2. Infuse/Steep all other ingredients (except rose) in two cups of water for 15 minutes.  
  3. Add rose petals to the steeped ingredients the last five minutes.
  4. Strain both the decoction and the infusion and add liquids together.  
  5. Add a shot of whiskey to each cup if desired.
  6. Add honey to taste if a sweeter taste is desired.

May the new year bring more peace and austerity to all living beings on our beautiful planet.

2 thoughts on “Share a Cup of Kindness this Year (And Learn to Make One)

  1. Lovely tea, with a lovely name! Please keep me posted on your book progress. I love the book title.

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