Day of the dead

Celebrate the Dead this Halloween

Halloween has deep roots in Celtic tradition as being Samhain (end of summer) and this day initiates the dark half of the year.

It is a time to communicate with the deceased as they journey through this world on their way to the Summerlands. Hints of the tradition remain as we dress up in costume and have parties and bonfires and tell stories of the dead.

Around this time I like to set up altars for my loved ones that have passed. It is especially important for those that have passed in the last year, as their spirits may still be in between world. On these altar, I burn pine, frankincense, and copal and I send prayers of good will up with the smoke. I place water, flowers, fruit and other treats to give them strength to move past the land of the living and embrace the realm of the dead.

For fun, I do like to dress up, eat pumpkin pastries and drink strongly spiced apple cider (both strong with spices and with spirits).

How are you going to celebrate this haunting Halloween?

Photo: Kathy

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